Reformed in Theology, Partial preterist in Eschatology, Presuppositionalist in Apologetic, Systematic in my Hermeneutic&Focus on Angelology!
There are only 4 types of believers throughout HIStory:
1. Believer: A person who IS Saved and Know they're Saved
2. Unbeliever: A person who isn't saved and do NOT want to be saved.
3. Future Believer: The reason we bare Witness to The Gospel
4. Make believer: The person who says they're saved but they're ONLY lying to themselves.
This make believer is pretending to have a relationship with Jesus by taking His Name as a Christian but they do not love him and The Truth is NOT in them. It's what Jesus talk about in Matthew 7 "they will come to me and say Lord, Lord, we did..."
If you find yourself pretending to be a Christian, you're in dire consequence of being a make believe christian and you're risking permanent for the temporal pleasures of this world.
I got a cousin somewhere named John Edwards.