Here to hear the muted voices Trump never given a fair shot to speak, no rallies on tv woke me up MSM pushes white hate you're not raci
Don't hate me. Jfk jr was insanely handsome, rivals models and actors. His wife was also stunning. I have to do more research on him. Was he political at all? I will research later, hard to pull myself from this site. It's nice critically thinking and not being attacked by liberals. You know it's bad when i'm latino and terrified by LGBT, ive seen the lgbt/blm turn into the new kkk they always yelling white supremes. Where, where!? Ppl will see through this shit.
He was to take Hillary Clintons senate seat brother its political no worries

Here to hear the muted voices Trump never given a fair shot to speak, no rallies on tv woke me up MSM pushes white hate you're not raci
Sorry for the rant. I'm just exhausted hearing if i move somewhere conservative i'm gonna be hung. I'm not buying this bullshit, all white ppl excuse me, republicans, are evil. I've only had my ass beat and filmed to worldstar by antifa/BLM. I've watched my local stores ravaged by BLM and they wont stop the white devil narrative. Im sorry i didnt see patriots destroying my city chasing me 30 squad deep. It's always white antifa or BLM under 18 knowing they are untouchable.

Here to hear the muted voices Trump never given a fair shot to speak, no rallies on tv woke me up MSM pushes white hate you're not raci
Defintion of God doesn't like ugly. Geez hillary is a professional loser