This is like a Really bad movie plot. I have never seen it like this before. I'd swear people are either on some really bad drugs or that something is in the water. How are there so many people who lack all touch with reality? And they seem to be in charge of everything?? It's as if the lunitics have taken over the asylem, then installed themselves as a new order. This all seemed to happen within just a few short years. This past year has been even more insane, where seemingly reasonable society has been transformed into brainless idiots, with rights that no longer even seem to matter. And courts who just keep playing the 3 monkeys over and over again. Can't even go to a grocery store without being harrassed by some moron who can't grasp the concept of mind your own damned business. They all just seem to be following along. What the Hell is Going on here!!!???

The great falling away, predicted in the Bible, Revelations. My advice, get your heart right with Jesus, He is our Savior and Redeemer. No one cometh to the Father except through Jesus. John 3:16 is of real importance, one must be saved to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. As much as I hope we will see a Great Awakening and get some more time to witness and bring more souls to Jesus. I believe it is paramount to be saved right now. It is so simple, but it is a personal choice. If you are not saved, please read John 3:16, and do so very soon. I am not a doomsdayer. I have friends and family I pray will come to this saving grace before it is too late. I write this because I care about your soul. The things we are witnessing today are a precursor to the catching away of the saints, those who are saved now, and the Tribulation. It is now as it was in the days of Noah. Making sure you are saved is the most important thing you can do, regardless of the times we are living in. None of u

Listen, I've been griping about incompetence for years but this does take the cake. Some dumb sheep said today on the company Slack ...."maybe by next school year if the virus is better controlled." Heavy sigh 😔

AND, I'm supposed to be working with intelligent professionals 🤣😂🤣😂

The idiots have always been around, unfortunately.

it's living through an episode of the twilight zone or a hitchcock flick...somethings coming...fingers crossed... and we are all hopping on board while the zombies devour each other

The whole thing has me dumbfounded. I just do not understand why a liar can profit from their actions, even knowing that we all know it's a lie, and there's no justice or recourse to be done because all the cards are from a stacked deck and held by those who are suposed to keep ot fair. They sit there and do nothing but accept the lie. This is not the country I grew up in.

Outsider, Patriot, Truther, son of God, Never quits, Stops at nothing .

its been going on for awhile we just didnt notice until Trump beat Hillary. now we notice because dems are in hyper drive due to a four year loss.