Gwen Stefani at Maria Abramovic's Occult Gala. Gwen is also on Epstein's flight logs. These people are sick. Here is a link with more pictures:

Never Forget Why This War Was Started It Is All About Saving The Children
Another Hollywood star that eats children and drinks their blood the good news, its already executed for crimes against humanity.

Mother, Prayer warrior for Christ and Minister of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Fighting for our God given freedoms and rights
I wonder if Blake knows what he got? that he thought was so beautiful? cant wait until this all comes out and who does he think he was going to Marry?

We share very few sentiments with our government.

Trump WON // Tyrannical Governments are a "danger to public health" so why don't we remove that first. The vaxx is poison
Despicaple, satanic, evil canibals.

I follow back all Patriots. Expose the truth! Question everything. I trust God and God's plan. #JesusIsMySavior
I apologize. It is supposed to say Marina Abramović, not Maria Abramović. I wish we had an edit button here.

Yeah these dudes have fooled everyone long enough
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