Christian-Freedom loving Patriot-who prays soon common courtesy/respect for one another will Grace this Nation/World again
yes it was Clinton disquised it so it would be hard to find....even held an open conference in public but fudged on name I saved the documents somewhere take some time to find He was held at gun point on Oct 10 2000 by Delta Forces & military & his SS was made to stand down after Bush Sr refuse to pass it...it had to do with a Farmer's Lawsuit tthat was won after yrs in courts....they were in a scif and Congress & SC Judges & Clinton all in room were held on NDA..it was signed and to go into effect on Sept 11 2001 Bush Sr. refused Alan Greenspan to make that announcement by sleeping in the WH the night before cuz his son was a coward .... All ppl are suppose to gain from this cuz of the illegal acts of the banks/ Fed Reserve ..IRS and using our birth certificates and trading us as chattel on stock market... NESARA is National Economic Stabilization and Reconciliation Act...free us from being slaves...Trump will name it something else..it's the part of AMENDMENT 14 section/clause 4
Searching Nesara and lawsuit. Came up with this:

Christian-Freedom loving Patriot-who prays soon common courtesy/respect for one another will Grace this Nation/World again
yes thank you so much I have loads of documents I would love to share but I haven't tried for some reason to conquer the task of copy and paste I'm being intimidated for some reason & sure it's very easy so stupid of me cuz I' rather intelligent ...I'd love to share the copy of the document also how Clinton did a public announcement of it but disquised under a different name he actually had a Senator do the reading of it if I remember correctly I have so many documents unfortunately they're not organized ...had a car accident couldn't work anymore chronic pain major pain killers so my pass time was researching but was a mess doing a lil better now so keep telling myself need to get organized but it's a challenge still LOL not the persn I use to be all changed now use to be OCD oh well maybe I shouldnt be putting this out there its been a horrible 21 yrs and we all have crosses to bear

Christian-Freedom loving Patriot-who prays soon common courtesy/respect for one another will Grace this Nation/World again

Christian-Freedom loving Patriot-who prays soon common courtesy/respect for one another will Grace this Nation/World again
first time I download a picture not sure why I never tried before LOL guess time to learn I'm old no excuse but you can pull it up its pretty long this is what Clinton named it cuz every tr they were suppose to try to implement it into the public but they had no intentions they liked keeping the money for themselves(elites/cabal) it was said that us peasants wouldnt know what to do with the money- keep us as slaves ...liked system as it was and bring in NWO if you pull up Bush Sr speeches he talks about the NWO and yet was threatened not to..Im hoping to learn how to conquer copy and paste soon LOL