“I know people constantly have questions about this news story and that one. Advice, turn off all the news and read a good book like The Last President. You'll get 10x more truth from it than the current news cycle.
Military and Potus have this. When they are done you'll get an Ebs. You won't miss it either. It'll be on every channel and cell phone around the world.
Trump's Cpac speech is going to be 🔥🔥
Lol. Yes, state of the union address.😎
I'm still going back 12 months rewatching all his speeches. Time unlocks his speeches. You have no idea.
When your uncle knows Nikola Tesla fun things happen.😎😎😎
Assange and Trump are very close. Family close. Assange isn't sitting in some jail cell. He's out. He's been out. It was done quietly like 99% of everything that happened in 2020. It'll be revealed publicly when Trump decides to reveal it.”@ghostezra