Trump has put a gigantic dent in the human trafficking program for the elites and continues to do so to this very day. Nevertheless, evil is there out there. It's not an on/off switch but rather a dimmer switch. It's getting dimmer by the day for them. They are outnumbered by wide margins. We the people are the majority and will always be the majority. Never doubt your importance or significance in this effort. One call or email can save a child's life. Action leads to more action. While inaction leads to more inaction. He sent frogs to destroy them. The more people wake up, the more outrage there will be. To the point where these bold sickos will not be able to walk down the street. While we are waiting on the great reveal and Trump to reveal his royal flush, there's plenty we can do to wake people up.

Full time Complain artist, Patriot, Truther! I was labeled a Nazi and then blocked by Twatter!
no one is listening when i try to wake them up ANYMORE 😔, they are distancing themselves further from me, they can't even get the 'masks' CGI or 'movie' concept. they refuse to look at any EVIDENCE i show. I've been awake for YEARS. and STILL I'm pushed away, labeled 'crazy'
hell i was labeled a Nazi for turning in pedos to the FBI!!!!

Forget trying to convince people if that's Biden or not. The reveal will come in due time. You can instead open their eyes to the child sex trafficking business and Hollywood pedophiles. Wayfair selling 16k pillows is a great place to start.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
The government needs to come clean. We will never been a self-governing people until heinous crimes classified under State Secrets are revealed.
We want the truth, we need the truth and we can handle the truth.
Lies, don't make truth go away. Just like those invisible frequencies the lies permeate every aspect of our lives whether we are conscious of it or not.
Yes. I agree. Clean. Transparency. Is the only way.