Trump has put a gigantic dent in the human trafficking program for the elites and continues to do so to this very day. Nevertheless, evil is there out there. It's not an on/off switch but rather a dimmer switch. It's getting dimmer by the day for them. They are outnumbered by wide margins. We the people are the majority and will always be the majority. Never doubt your importance or significance in this effort. One call or email can save a child's life. Action leads to more action. While inaction leads to more inaction. He sent frogs to destroy them. The more people wake up, the more outrage there will be. To the point where these bold sickos will not be able to walk down the street. While we are waiting on the great reveal and Trump to reveal his royal flush, there's plenty we can do to wake people up.

The Great Awakening • This is it • Buckle Up • Godspeed🙏🏻🇺🇸
I want to thank you and@QFrogman5326 for your tough love and transparency. Just finished reading some posts from QFrogman’s Telegram: I’ve been served a heaping slice of reality pie.
“If you only knew how bad this really is” has been hammered into my heart.
Realizing how fortunate we are - despite our own individual circumstances - compared to the innocent victims being tortured, mutilated, trafficked, and killed Stateside and Worldwide has put this movie into horrific perspective. I’m embarrassed at selfishly wanting this movie to end, when this rescue operation isn’t yet complete. God’s timing, indeed.
I appreciate not just you two, but every soldier - Military and Digital - involved in saving these children and this Country. Battling pure evil daily.
Thank you, everyone, for your strength when others need a hand or when their fear overtakes them. Even if it’s serving a blast of reality with a sidecar of spicy Meme, know your efforts are greatly appreciated.
🇺🇲Nicely said👍