Trump has put a gigantic dent in the human trafficking program for the elites and continues to do so to this very day. Nevertheless, evil is there out there. It's not an on/off switch but rather a dimmer switch. It's getting dimmer by the day for them. They are outnumbered by wide margins. We the people are the majority and will always be the majority. Never doubt your importance or significance in this effort. One call or email can save a child's life. Action leads to more action. While inaction leads to more inaction. He sent frogs to destroy them. The more people wake up, the more outrage there will be. To the point where these bold sickos will not be able to walk down the street. While we are waiting on the great reveal and Trump to reveal his royal flush, there's plenty we can do to wake people up.

I am fighting for justice for my wife after she was killed in a corrupt hospital. Please help me in this fight.
Since Scotus fucked us all again, here comes the "it's all part of the plan" bullshit that you've all head for the last 5 years. When are people going to realize that the change starts with us. Sitting on our hands and waiting for some bullshit plan to unfold is WHAT THEY WANT US TO DO. We have to organize and do things the 1776 way.
Hate to be blunt, but it's become too obvious.
It's a military operation. FISA. It's been that way since Trump took office. Forget the courts. This isn't a 5 year plan but rather a 60 year plan. There's the top down part of the plan, and a bottom up part of the plan. Top down Trump and a team of 8k has been doing massive damage to the elite's network. The bottom up part is where we come in. Both are true at the same time. We won the election. Take heart. We win in the end. The best is yet to come.

I am fighting for justice for my wife after she was killed in a corrupt hospital. Please help me in this fight.
The one thing I know for sure is that this thing is pantomime. Never in my life have I seen things happen the way that they have and think to myself "Is this real" because It's obvious about the fraud, the riots and false flags, so much is in your face baloney yet the media shovels it out like manure from a stall. How many more losses will Americans be able to take is the question? People like me, are tired...the old ones, the ones who prefer to handle things the old fashioned way are ready to go out and shred heads because it's all we've known for so long. When someone takes from you something that wasn't theres, you go, and you get it BACK. That's where I'm at right now. Theatrics or not. Tired of looking a fool to all the democrat peices of shit out there that think they've won and that are telling us we'll all be wiped out for voting Trump or being conservative. They have another thing coming if they think we'll just lie like sleeping dogs and take it. Jesus ward off the bad energy