Canadian Patriot. Love Trump. Dark to Light. Great Awakening. Truth Sayer. God Wins! Banned from Tw*t and Fb. We will NOT be silenced.
Canada has gone crazy! In the UN sanctuary city of Edmonton a Pastor has been arrested for continuing services. Faces life in jail?! WTAF!!!
The new normal in Alberta: pastors in jail for holding church services? | Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
EDMONTON: The Justice Centre is representing Grace Life Church (Grace Life), a large church near Edmonton, and its pastor James Coates. The congregants of Grace Life hold strongly to their religious beliefs regarding the necessity of gathering in-person to worship and to minister to each oth..
Every Court case makes money for the court through Federal Reserve
Canadian Patriot. Love Trump. Dark to Light. Great Awakening. Truth Sayer. God Wins! Banned from Tw*t and Fb. We will NOT be silenced.
So do you think anything will change Mar 1-4 with JCCF at Supreme Court in BC to end the lockdowns? Or is this more theatre while waiting....
Canadian Patriot. Love Trump. Dark to Light. Great Awakening. Truth Sayer. God Wins! Banned from Tw*t and Fb. We will NOT be silenced.
Holy Crap! Every day my eyes are opened to more corruption! Unreal! And it makes sense... sadly... they are all connected.
Thank God for DJT, the White Hats and USMCA.