Where we go one, we all go with Trump. He's the best President ever! Married with children, raising a nephew. dogs and ducks. No arguing...
It would help to have an idea when?

The Plan to put an end to their machiavelic goal of domination.
It was all about the CIA = their Communist Infiltration Agenda!

Astrologer / Son of Man / God's Right Hand/ #GreatAwakening #QAnon #WWG1WGA
The most exciting part of a movie is the part that has you sitting on the edge of your seat with anticipation of what comes next. This is one of those rare occasions when the movie turns out to be even better than the book. There is no movie, no theatrical production, no sport or video game, that even comes close to how well I am preoccupied and entertained by what is happening. I'm Q Army by habit for 4 years. I'm litarally obsessed and playing until I see how it ends. It's far from over, and bigger than most folks can imagine. I know where this is going, because I've been reading the book since the publisher first staarted dropping episodes. Now we're just watching it all play out. Wonderful show! Trump should get every award available for his role in this movie. We all have a very happy ending in front of us. We're about to cross the finish line in this rat race. World Party Coming!

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.
Then there's the third face. The one that never shows.

Where we go one, we all go with Trump. He's the best President ever! Married with children, raising a nephew. dogs and ducks. No arguing...
In the same post you say "It's far from over" and then you say "we're near the end". Which is it?

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!
At this point I want to SEE justice for the children- I have cried so many hot angry tears. Other family members still watch TV. I haven't watched since last Summer. I see a celebrity anywhere and get livid wishing them a millstone around the neck.

Once your eyes are open and you are awake, you will not see things as you did previously. I have to put my focus on God and pray for His wisdom and guidance. My prayers are with you.

I've come to terms with "Trust the man" Trump hasn't lied to us yet so I have no reason to doubt him now

If Twitler was the battlefield, anonup is the celebration ITS NOT OVER, might as well laugh along the way
..the part of the plan that makes you take a good, hard, honest look at yourself. mindset is everything, perception is key. which timeline are you on? the great transition or the great reset?
waiting & trusting are probably not most people's strengths. dont be afraid of the inner work here, it's an invitation to personal greatness

Independent Patriot*@PeacockStarry on Twitter*also on Gab*Reiki Master*Starbeing*Vegetarian*#SaveOurChildren #Arkansas #greatawakening
I trust the Creator & let that guide me
It took a long time for me to even trust that after some really bad things happened several times in my life, & I've had the chance to leave this world at least 3 times but here I am, because I'm not finished creating with the Creator & am here to help bring forth a better world however I can
Trust is earned not given

Christian ,Dad ,Husband ,Grandfather and Lover of Truth. Conspiracy theories coming TRUE.
Well it would be nice to fully know what the plan is to fully trust it. I trust in Gods plan put forth in the scriptures. The redemption of fallen sinful man through trusting in his Son Jesus to pay our sin debt on a brutal cross. The final judgement of this worlds wickedness and the Devil. A new Heaven and a new Earth and Jesus sitting upon his throne on this Earth in Jerusalem. Now that is a fully laid out plan. This one is what normies have a problem with. Being born again is The Plan. have yall trusted in the Plan? God is batting a 1000 with prophecy and has never had to move a goal post.

I have no insider knowledge, so I walk by faith alone.
Agree. Trust Jesus. That's the plan. Thats the only plan.
Anything else someone predicts, test the prophets to see whether they are from God.

i can't belive the plan becuase it hasn't happned on my local level yet, how can I expect to see it happen at a national level ? I'm forced to live in this shit every day, it the plan doesn't work then i'm gone regardless.

yup same here. been hearing trust the plan for months now. starting to feel there is no plan, and we have to suck it up that we really do have a shitty president (biden or bidan)

We do trust the plan until the doubting Thomas syndrome hits us. I think it is called left brain or ego. Then a little snippet of hope reenters our heart and we are on board again. Many of us are just tired from the fight of putting truth out only to be rejected. If just one huge action would take place, maybe then, our people would begin to look at the truth we have tried to share with them. As hard as we try, what we say isnt believable to them. The mind control hypnosis is very strong. Most likely it is going to take divine intervention to free the humans.

Something that we can use to help wake up our families would be great. Right now many of us are alone on an island. We believe in the plan, but need a little help.

Digital Soldier involved in irregular warfare. At its finest.
Sentiment is I'm fading fast as we sink further and further, waiting for "the sheeple to wake up" in order to what? Protect their mental breakdown? Sorry, but fuk that.
Seems like I'm the one being controlled. Feel the sentiment turning? WE THE PEOPLE ARE ALL OUT OF PATIENCE. Check you Ammo Patriots! We outnumber them. By a lot.

So Trump is using us as collateral damage like the political hacks? He sure seems to be letting a lot of bad things happen to his supporters.. and our country. Seems the military is protecting Biden from us not the other way around.

Love Jesus, love my husband, love America, love Trump, love Freedom! Rather old digital warrior, but full of patriotism. NO DMs please!
I'm trusting, sir. At perfect peace. xx