BREAKING: German Health Minister admits at the Davos World Economic Forum virtual meeting that they are not willing to stop their Corona-Terror until the entire world popolation's DNA is mRNA modified and the Great Reset done!
And one information from myself. That butthead has in his new 5 Million Euro Villa, pictures art with kids in cages. Podesta Style. Time to execute those evil sick Nazis.
According to cue...if this is all pantomime to wake the masses, it better work to help them realize they need to learn to say NO and learn their constitutional rights. There are human rights laws and what about the NUREMURG CODE??? And stop the TESTING! I was always suspicious when the terrorist Tedros said, "Test, Test, Test" WTH.
naval kishori
Holy Fucking Shit... DONT GET TESTED... Nano tech is real... Check this video out.. The whole thing.. ?DO NOT TAKE THE SWAB!