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Patriot, I want my grandchildren to be free. I want to see justice! I believe this is a war of good verses evil. I trust God and the plan.

In response Skylers Mom to her Publication

what about pregnancy? what about passing it on through sperm.

Digital Warrior who took the Oath! Thriving in Free Florida Sending Love, Joy & Blessings from our Dad... To ALL on Earth & ALL Above

In response Anna Ballou to her Publication

I read the 2nd Vax is designed to make your offspring sterile
& to abort pregnant women.

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Being an information junkie has led me out of the Democratic darkness into Patriot light, and I am here to stay, holding the line.

In response Skylers Mom to her Publication

wow...i never connected that. There is no way they should be able to, or at least it needs to be labled as such.

In response Skylers Mom to her Publication

Great question!

Jesus Christ is Lord! God & country & in that specific order. All lives matter including the unborn. Huge dog lover. NO DM's.

In response Skylers Mom to her Publication

And what if the mother of the fetus who aborted had HIV? That means more than likely the recipient will also contract this potentially deadly disease. More questions to ask....

In response Skylers Mom to her Publication

they are going to contaminate our whole blood supply

#King'sDaughter 👸🏻#GodGirl ⛪️#IndianaUniversityAlumnus🏀🏎 #RNBSN🩺 #CoalMinersWife⛏ #MasterGardener🐝 #Patriot🇺🇸 #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 #MAGA

In response Skylers Mom to her Publication

"Under the latest guidance, the Red Cross says “it is critical that potential donors know the name of the manufacturer of the vaccine they received.”
How long should I wait to get the COVID-19 vaccine after having the virus?
Those who receive a COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by AstraZeneca, Janssen/Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Novavax, or Pfizer have no deferral time. That means that as long as you are symptom free & feeling well at the time of your donation, you can donate blood without waiting. Eligible blood donors who receive a live attenuated COVID-19 vaccine or do not know what type of COVID-19 vaccine they received must wait 2 weeks before giving blood. The Red Cross explains that those who had COVID-19 symptoms and received a confirmed COVID-19 diagnostic test before vaccination, have fully recovered from symptoms of the virus within the last six months, & meet other donation eligibility criteria may be able to donate convalescent plasma to help those still battling the virus."

In response Valiant Nurse to her Publication

You lost me at "the red cross says" lol

#King'sDaughter 👸🏻#GodGirl ⛪️#IndianaUniversityAlumnus🏀🏎 #RNBSN🩺 #CoalMinersWife⛏ #MasterGardener🐝 #Patriot🇺🇸 #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 #MAGA

In response Valiant Nurse to her Publication

"“This is to ensure that COVID-19 convalescent plasma collected from donors contains sufficient antibodies directly related to their immune response to COVID-19 infection,” according to the guidance.

At this time, individuals who have received a COVID-19 vaccine cannot donate convalescent plasma with the Red Cross."

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WWG1WGA! Stay positive! Momma Bear of three girls who loves guns, God and fast cars! Just a patriotic lurker holding the line & praying!

In response Skylers Mom to her Publication

O. M. G.
Time to start paying to stockpile and store our own "pure" blood???

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Skylers Mom to her Publication

very good question. Do you honestly think they will tell you? probably not even if it was mandated.

Digital warrior. Dark->Light #GodWins #SaveTheChildren #TheGreatAwakening W҉W҉G҉1҉W҉G҉A҉ #17! #MAGA NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!

In response Skylers Mom to her Publication

🤯This is a great question and has a very disturbing domino thoughts
--What abouit kissing or sexual transmission
--What about future marriages and children of those marrriages
--What about existing marriages where one gets the vax and the other does not

What a can of worms!!!

Christian 🛡Women and children safety instructor 🛡Patriot WWG1WGA

In response Skylers Mom to her Publication


The world is under MK Ultra Mind control #breakthespell

In response Skylers Mom to her Publication

This is an interesting topic. i researched it and there are many articles that say you can give blood, not sure if they are required to tell you if the person you are receiving blood from had any of the covid vaccines. The exception is the Astra- Xeneca for which you are required to wait two weeks until you can give blood. I still have many questions about this topic. Kind of dismaying to think about.

I'm a Wife, Mother of 3 and Grandmother of 6 plus 1 Sweet Angel in Heaven, Stepmother of 2 and Step Grandmother of 5.They are My Life's Jo

In response Jules Christine to his Publication

Seriously, I kind of doubt they would tell us if the donor has revieved the Covid-19 Vaccine or not! Just like they were never honest about
Hep A,B ,C or even HIV. Then boom all of a sudden you come down with it or your partner comes down with it, then you're accused of sleeping around or doing drugs. Oh, an let us not forget all the babies they give transfusions to and transmit blood disorders to them the families have to cope withn for the rest of their life all because, the doctor didn't care enough to test the blood of the donor.
So, my family has agreed if we need blood for any reason we donate to one another. We all have the same blood type and are able to do so. If the hospital tells you they can't do it they are lying. Plus, they can't charge for the blood you are donating because, it's for family use only & not for their stock pile to over charge another patient.

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- I LOVE: God,🇫🇷 🇺🇸 & americans (especialy since Trump), Freedom - I HATE: censorship & lies, so MSM & NWO 🇪🇺

In response Skylers Mom to her Publication

I also ask myself this question (and I'm afraid the answer is yes, at least partially). I also wonder if nanoparticles (among others) are sexually transmitted, which, especially for young people, could have worrying consequences.

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.

In response Skylers Mom to her Publication


Christian. Father. Truth seeker.

In response Skylers Mom to her Publication

Never though about that.

That's really bad...

#Patriot #WWG1WGA #Anon #MAGA #Trump train #Trust the plan

In response Skylers Mom to her Publication

Holy shit! We are fooked

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response Skylers Mom to her Publication

Thats a great question.Knowing Bill Gates and the elites they will allow them to give blood to kill off more people.Their evil.

I AM an optimist. I AM here for our children. Following Q since the first drop. I Trust the Plan. #Family is Everything. #LOVE wins.

In response Skylers Mom to her Publication

the entire world will need an antivax vax of some sort to reverse this fookery, a mass healing event ⚡✨

In response Just Amom to her Publication

I hope this will be possible.
I honestly was maybe a bit naive into thinking they would all be getting plasibo shots.
Speaking to someone who's dad got the shot in Israel and seeing him completely change scared the shit out of him and ME!

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