Together We Are Creating The Change. . . and as such, Doing my Little Part in the Implementation of An Earth Realized As In Heaven!!!
Amen! God's Perfect Love, and His Eternal Creations, are all living the lesson of Love. And Love on exist in One Place, this Eternal Moment of God's Creation happening right now!... Without a Past or Future. To Believe in either, is to have Judgement - something outside of God's Perfection Creation - so to Forgive is to simple let go of what's not of God, the Past or Future! Stay present, stay connected to God! Nothing else matters! Nothing else is real as God didn't create it!
So let us Forgive the past and future, and ALL THOSE who insist on living there, in the dream land of what's NOT REAL, as matrix if you will full of man's lands of the lost and limited. Know this and you have awakened in God: Period. Forgive their mistaken, darkened beliefs, that fear is somehow real, for although it appear real, what is All-emcompassing (Love), can have no opposite. Period.