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Aria And Phoenix 2
Aria And Phoenix 2 | cathy fox blog on child abuse
Aria and Phoenix have a new bitchute video channel and in these videos they discuss two books on healing. I the more I know.. the more I know that I don't know?
all I the more I know.. the more I know that I don't know?
weird the last part of my post was left out...quick dig
Also besides MY-12 there was a group call I think com-12 or something pretty sure they went by name Phoenix
Knowing the sohistication of CIA..if they are really well still could be the CIA trying to control a narrative
Whither the Phoenix? -
They called it Phung Hoang, the South Vietnamese, after the phoenix|mythological bird of conjugal love that appears in times of peace, holding a flute a... before you make absurd allegations, watch their videos. To try and put suspicion upon brave whisltblowers means YOU are suspect. yes phoenix is also the head of the satanic council, but it also represents for amny people,rising from the broken state of being abused. What kind of warped mind makes these sort of comments?
all I the more I know.. the more I know that I don't know?
My "warped" mind had made no conclusions one way or another as your so obviously has..I was just pointing out possibilities. Still do wonder why a name that was supposedly used to abuse them was then used to rescue -seemed puzzling to my mind that's all. I do hope you take no offense this time -as it was never my intention. I always try to treat others as I would like to be treated.