This is the article in question that was posted alongside other information.
These are deep rabbit holes though. So please be careful.
Ukraine is and always has been a meeting place for the cabal.
Particularly Livadia Palace. As far back as Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill it has been a gathering spot.
Pay attention to the guest list:
Tony Blair, both the Clintons, General David Petraeus, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, former World Bank boss Robert Zoellick, former Polish president Kwasniewski, physicist Michio Kaku. Etc etc etc.
Also of important note: "the post-lunch entertainment, a
What do Tony Blair, Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Hillary Clinton have in common? | The Independent | The Independent
What is it about the billionaire Viktor Pinchuk that draws the world’s elite to his Crimean palace? Tom Peck investigates