#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB
#Nibiru is the Planet of HaShem [God], It is a Planet Mercabah, Like earth. The Oztar [Treasury of souls] is there [All souls - man (departed family) & animals], Tree of Life.
Nibiru Sun [Immaru] is the Sea of Fire, Gehenna, Hell, Hades. Satan & wicked final place. Prisons of Darkness & others prisons.
HaShem [God] coming to Judge earth.#MessiahShiloh will sit & judge. Enemies of#ShilohMessiah will be in shock!
Those that pass eat tree life, reverse age, regrow limbs, live forever! Earth returns to Garden of Eden.
In the Days of Shiloh there will no more death, except if you sin.#Shiloh
Guf: a Jewish soul myth | Triangulations
Above I have illustrated a Jewish myth for the origin of the soul. As you can see, it is a variant of the “Heavenly Bank of Souls” theme. This story does not come from the Tanakh (OT) but from other Jewish sacred sources but from the Talmud and the Kabbalah texts (one reader in the…