Because (GOD), (COUNTRY) no further explanation needed!
What's happening in Texas was a planned attack. The next crisis they will manipulate and manufacture is Climate Change.
Facebook will ban anyone who doesn't believe in Climate Change moving forward. Bill Gates is attempting to block the sun in order to keep the Earth more cool.
Guess who owns most of the farmland now in the USA?
Bill Gates
They will attack your food.
They will attack your medicine.
They will attack your water.
They will attack your vaccines.
They will attack your weather.
They will attack your elections.
They will attack your religion.
They will attack you
They will attack your food.
They will attack your medicine.
They will attack your water.
They will attack your vaccines.
They will attack your weather.
They will attack your elections.
They will attack your religion.
They will attack your speech.
They will attack your guns.
They will attack your children.
And when everything fails they will nuke their own country.