Not sure what to make of this? Nothing is coincidental.

Some things may not be coincidental. Depends on how you connect the dots.

My numbers for EBV infection are astronomical. My doctors and I believe that EBV can be tick and/or vector borne. Actually I know it probably is tick-borne.

Q is my favorite letter!!!!!! I love my country, I love freedom..and I believe in spreading TRUTH!!!
Just my thoughts...I am starting to think that a "virus" is actually a parasite that we are getting through either the food, vaccines, or hate to say it but in the air.."chem trails"...I know that it sounds crazy....but the human body is desgined to fight...its called the immune could they be weakening it over time through the foods, vaccines, air..ect that some get sick and others don' cancer or ms or any other's like it gets activated. Which brings me to the part that nothing is hereditary....that its all "man made".