Love God,myfamily&mycountry, pro-life,pro-2A,anti-vaxxer,#FamilyIsEverything,#digital soldier,anon,mom,grandma,Godalways wins,JFKjrlivesâ¤
This is a lengthy but,VERY informative podcast with Tammy Rief mother of trafficked Jonah Rief. 66 min in she talks about John Kerry signing paperwork declaring Jonah was not a citizen of any country in order for him to be trafficked to Australia.
68 min in how John Walsh is trafficking children for the Pedo Podesta brothers
77 min in talks about Kamala Harris
& how she runs the child trafficking ring out of California & how she protects the predators.
PLEASE listen & share,share ,share on every platform you can
# Jonahsvoice
so then is Tim Ballard a CIA toy? are they just scratching the surface so we will "think" there are rescues, so we won't look and understand the demonic forces underground in the tunnels? I'm so tired of being played a fool. I am questioning everything. Even the good reporting is often an obvious cover up.