someone I love dearly I desire for her to have a opportunity to use a med bed. Forget about all the hospitals and doctors that say there is no hope. I wish I had access for my family memeber to use and get better.

Discernment is critical.
Foxconn has 12 factories in nine CHINESE cities—more than in any other country. The largest Foxconn factory is located in Longhua Town, Shenzhen, where hundreds of thousands of workers (varying counts include 230,000, 300,000, and 450,000) are employed at the Longhua Science & Technology Park, a walled campus sometimes referred to as "Foxconn City". ...
... are no longer making ventilators but is the company
Chinese or Taiwanese?

#TimeToWakeUp #ForGodAndCountry #DigitalSoldier #UnitedNotDivided #PainIsComing #TakeTheOath #MAGA #KAG
Here is some other links regarding these Med-Beds
Medical Beds ET Technology used on International Space Station

Bless Trump and the Military. Awake, Aware. Cant wait for the credits to roll. Truth brings the light, lies keep you in the dark.
Wish I was insider and knew who to contact for this, 20 years suffering, want to get well then help others like me who are ignored by TPTB. Thanks for the links:)

Is anyone else seeing the images these photos. Not sure what to think of the Owl. I sure want these to be real and seeing Trump pictured with one is reassuring. Just not sure about the hidden images. 💁♀️

My question, well my husband brought this to my attention is this going to be for everyone or just the rich and elite? Like the movie like The Island, 2005 Ewan McGregor film.

Follower of Jesus, Retired teacher, Trump supporter, Grandmother, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Peacemaker No DMs.
Hopefully soon!

Wife. Proud Mom. Patriot! Protector of Children. #savethechildren LOVE WINS. GOD WINS!
Such an amazing blessing!! so excited for all the possibilities for pbysical and mental wellness. I heard that the rescued children are getting to use the med beds. i hope it's true!

can this thing make me taller 😂😂

#WWG1WGA #digitalsoldier #GodWins #KAG #Qarmy #TheBestisYettoCome #1776 #Theearthisa HORIZONTALplane,ishallNOTbeMOVED No DM replies!
Love it!

I thought of all the victims in the tunnels and elsewhere and I hope they're already being healed.

I love Jesus, my family, my country, my POTUS DJT and the TRUTH! Called crazy by many and wear it proudly! WWG1WGA
How glorious! I am open and ready for this new world...please Lord come!

❣️Native American Heartland PATRIQT USA💙⚔️🛡LightWorker🌈💫For God👑 & Country🇺🇸 WWG1WGA💚🐸NCSWIC #SaveOurChildren

Raising a PatriQtic family! Eyes wide QPEN!
Perhaps Rush Limbaugh would have been a great canidate???

cant wait for these to start up

Also do u have the video of Trump standing by one?

💫 Isabella Camille 💫🔥Child Qf God 🔥PatriQt🔥 🇺🇸MAGA🇺🇸 💥WWG1WGA 💥 💥 1776 freedom💥 NCSWIC💥 ⚡️digital solider💫 💥17=Q 💥

Do u know of a co. making these?

Foxconn, there was a tweet with trump checking them out last fall

Hello Frens! Here I am. Glad to have found you A little battle worn but STILL IN IT! Keeping love in my heart and "Peace as the Prize"
I wish that Rush could have had a Med Bed.😥

Wife. Proud Mom. Patriot! Protector of Children. #savethechildren LOVE WINS. GOD WINS!
i keep hoping we'll hear that he didnt die and he gets revealed as healthy and youthful as a testament for what's to come

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