Dr. David Martin comments on "vaccine" vs gene therapy, as well as some insignt into what the jab manufacturers have been doing to get this experimental gene therapy injected into as many global residents as they can. Before a bunch more wake up?
Dr. David Martin Takes Apart The Modern & Pfizer Phony "Vaccine" Story
The mRNA Covid Injection Is NOT a VACCINE http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0011no5q-Yo6p4ketDMHAanWsY_Pgg1YJ616E6Va94Fj1m0G-_LyYl_e5dN3Fx2wuCFhTN95ZRlioSC0HrG0U7Wr2W2qqTh_JyaXP_BBTrUQWSOZjWzV6ZqhnK7wwFW_Ftml9i5f-kD8fuj7LB7mR-aFfS7A3KwhiFOQem7ZwgB1E6pKoF…