🇨🇦‘s For Trump 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Kindred Spirits✨ #The Great Awakening #WWG1WGAWW #TheBestIsYetToCome #GodWins #JfkJrLives


I did listen to the Q drops and knew Barr was on our side all along. Q even warned us about the attempt to discredit Barr. I always trusted Sessions too. After all, he was the only Congress person they couldn't find dirt on.

“The only thing we knew for sure about Henry Porter, is that his name wasn’t Henry Porter.”

inspiring!!!! barr - secret weapon

I'm covered in the blood of Jesus and bleed red, white, and blue.
The Poker video highlighted WWG1WGA the WHOLE world! This video is highlighting Scotland. Connection?
Also, I think Barr is a star witness....

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
Remember when@ghostezra said Bidan was signing fake/blank executive orders?
And then despite the fact it was hard to see the text during the signing ceremonies, those EO's appeared officially on the national registery within a few days.
Remember when@ghostezra changed his tune on EO's and said Biden would have to be out within 30days of signing the 'fake' orders because that is when they would go into effect and they wouldn't be allowed to go into effect?
Bidan's been in office how long? Does it look like he is going anywhere anytime soon.

Remember the Military are in control of our government currently. If Biden isn't really Biden, how can his EO's be real? Likewise, with Congress presently. It is all being reported by our fake news media, or stories related to a few reliable sources. Notice OAN isn't putting out many stories right now.

Never Forget Why This War Was Started It Is All About Saving The Children
BIDEN is already gone the actor is wearing a mask. Im always surprized at people when they dont know.

Just joined when VK recommended it on Twitter. Great to see my favorite anons on here!
is it possible Barr is a white hat and they want the deep state to feel like they won? Is it possible this actor playing the part of Joe Biden is also? if they knew this was all going to happen (the steal), why not have their own man in there? of course they will have him scare the genuine shit out of us - that would be brilliant. I think both sides are panicked : all of us, and all of them, because less than 10 know who is really winning this war.

Patriot Female USA Digital Soldier WWG1WGA Great Awakening is Here
Everyone has to Remember the Military and Trump have a Huge Job to do. They saving the Children Right Now in those underground Tunnels. Military Ops can change on a dime and that does not mean things are not happening.
Go Watch A Video Called This Is How It's Done. They show you how Hollywood is using technology to make it seem like Biden is in WH and meeting face to face with Pelosi etc. But in reality they both are in two different parts of US and its filmed sometimes current and sometimes a week ago.
Stop Looking At The TV or Media. its all Hollywood Fake

Patriot Female USA Digital Soldier WWG1WGA Great Awakening is Here
Yes Trump Knew They Were Going to Steal Election. This Is Why He kept saying it. The Military Sat in Real Time at Quantium Computers Watching and Saving Date Time Stamps Each Time Votes Were Switched or Deleted.
italy Used The Vatican's Leonardo Satelight To Steal Election. Military Watched as That Satekight was used to send signals thru Germany Servers to Dominion Machines. They Have All The Proof.
Military and Trump let Guillani and lawyers approach each swing state to show proof so the public could see. Many things have been allowed to play out to show the public whose really cor

💥 assignment complete.
...and people thought he was a B.H.?!? remember the pics of him on military plane? He knows Elvis. so much more....

Prayer Warrior, Grammy, Q & the Word of God! 🇺🇸Donald J Trump is STILL the President!!🇺🇸 #MAGA #MIGA #JerusalemUndivided
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Patriots Who Are Passionate About Pursuing Peace Through Strength & Actively Shining LIGHT On Truth, Freedom, LOVE, and UNITY! WRWY!

Trump is my Pres. JFK, Jr. my VP; Jesus my BFF; Silly, snarky, loving protector of God's family & children. Joshua 1:9 Pureblood. IYKYK.

The guy in the red tie is getting a kick out of B2 playing the bagpipe! 😂

i still believe Bill Barr is one of the good guys. I love 💘 happy endings that makes your your whole being erupt in Red, White & Blue emotions.

3) Did Barr make a difference or, like his bagpipes, is he all just hot air?

Barr put Biden and Obama and many others away. He's a stealth bomber.

1) Trump read Bill Barr's op-ed on the Russia Collusion Hoax, to Trump's favor. Trump summoned Barr for Attorney General.
2) Barr put the pressure on Mueller to end the Russia Hoax.
3) Barr appointed Durham as Special Counsel.
4) Barr was Bush's AG back in the day. If he's not a Deep State 'fixer', he definitely knows what has been going down for more than 20 years.
1) Did Barr as a Deep State player, write the op-ed to bait Trump into become AG?
2) Has Barr stonewalled DOJ/FBI and Durham's/Walsh's investigation and all those supposed sealed indictments?
3) Did

you need to repost the video on telegram of barr responding, "on one side i get why doesn't bill barr put anyone in jail, and on the other side i get throw bill barr in jail. these things take time...." he grins while snoop dogg music plays. I need to show this to the normies that hate barr.

He is actually really good! My partner was in a scottish pipe band when he was young. He and his brother were drummers and his mum and dad played the bagpipes ! 🙂

Love love love this!

All part of the movie. Many played their part and some will return. Sessions..

Wow!! He's good at playing the bagpipes! Who knew? 😊

Professional Free Spirit ✨ On a Mission for Mother Hearth💚 #KennedyVision Ambassador 🕊️ #FamilyIsEverything💖
I like Barr. Its a vibe thing...

Isn`t Barr 2.0???

Student of synchronicity and predictive programming who sometimes says "哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈" Felixtheblack.Cat
Thanks for the good vibes. Scotland's brave citizens need all the help they can get, just like the rest of us.

ive told folks hes good! the way Barr and Trump interact is not cold or foe...i hope im right, when i saw him playing this out back then i got good vibes..i hope im right 📯

Believer - Small Business Owner - Seeking Canada's Trump - The more I learn of this never ending evil it sickens me #pray #NeverEverGiveUp
I hope so...

Awake, Aware, Alive, I AM the LIGHT. I AM the LOVE. I AM the TRUTH. I AM
OK. I know it's Bill Barr playing "Scotland the Brave" at the US Attorney's Conference in 2019 where he joined the Pipes and Drums bagpipers from the New York Police Department, the Emerald Society. Am I missing something?

Finally glad to know I haven't been crazy all these decades.....found my people!
I knew it! Knew Barr is a White Hat! Thanks for the validation. (I think that is the implication)

Family is EVERYTHING including Frens!❤️ God Bless America! 🇺🇸 #WWG1WGA
🍀That's some mighty fine pipe playin' there!!🍀