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Bombshell TWJ Exclusive: An Hour-Long Feature Interview with Gen. Flynn
'The American people are sick and tired of the political games and the political nonsense that we have faced.'
https://www.westernjournal.com/bombshell-twj-exclusive-hour-long-feature-interview-gen-flynn/I'd listen but I really don't want to hear any more of his thoughts about how outrageous it is for us to think there's a "Plan." Whether that was optics in the Billings interview or not, it was very difficult to hear. I only want to listen to sources that offer a small boost to my nearly dimimished hope (but also have more than an ounce of credility which leaves out folks like Parkes, Ward and "Patriot Streetfighter"). Flynn let me down. I think I'm down to just Lin Wood. On the fence about O Savin (I personally don't think he has any connections). And George News just gives us platitudes.