A message from General Michael Thomas Flynn
Believe! Believe in God! Believe in our President Trump! Believe in the chosen one.
@genMichaelFlynn (Telegram)

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

Love my husband, family, angibals. BFF's with J.C. ✝️ Hospice RN for 16yrs (retired). Love our President Trump. Freedom or bust! WWG1WGA
In response Debbie Reynolds to her Publication
I just prayed with this video, holding my hand out....SO much energy went through my body!! God hears us and answers our prayers. He will not abandon us, our president or our country!

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

President Trump Ordained John 9:33🙏 Constitution our Freedom Bill of Rights our Voice Socialism is Communism only spelled differently
In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication