Small business owner, we own a roofing company in Alberta, Canada. Huge Trump Supporter. Long distance runner. Never wear a mask!
But, but, but......cuz COVID!!! Biggest scam ever! 9/11 affected many, but in USA mostly. God rest those souls. BUT this! I just came from Grocery store here where I live (Alberta Canada), and I never don the face diaper. Everyone is so compliant, they look at me, I pretend they are not there. They are ghostly. No emotion. I wonder what they think of me, but no one dare ask. I think they know the answer, they are waiting for permission. Pathetic.

💗🙏💗Bless you, we need more brave Warrors like you in the world!💗🙏💗

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
I've never trusted them, and I took my own measures. I keep refusing the flu shot and a mammogram. No matter what we do we are posioned, since "they" spray us from the sky. Over Earth and ready for God, when he is ready for us. 🙏

YES!!! and YAY!!!! Me toooo I dont even have health insurance, I refuse to fund their EVIL system! 💗🙌💗🙌💗

Nothing special to note, except for our strong defense of freedom and life
True! absolutely