I'm a Shamanic Practitioner and work through Journeys and Dreams. I am an Active Journey Artist and Dream facilitator.
So, in Ohio smlled like chemical burning. I let it sit to melt and it finally did, leaving metal flakes and like plastic flakes plus the water was not water, thicker and milky.
Tossed off Twitter, President Trump supporter, mom, wife, animal lover, C journalist, rabbit hole digger, Gen X, Mud Flood digger
Fake snow. Is anything real?
I didn't try to burn the snow here in south Texas, but it wouldn't compact normally to make a snow ball.
I am a mother, and a friend ,animal and a flower lover. I believe in God ,Family values,and freedom of speech.
That's what we have here in Chicago.....cemical snow
Some one special to some. @surdog007 (tw) @godrus on truth social telegr
nucleated ice. possibly, very likely, augmented into creation with chemicals sprayed from military aircraft. aka#chemtrails.