Piece of advice for those attempting to discredit or destroy Lin Wood's good name and reputation. The man's foundation is a solid rock, he firmly wears the belt of truth each morning. He cannot be shaken, no matter how hard you try. He knows what is coming and has seen evidence that will boggle your mind. The harder you try to discredit and defame him, the harder the boomerang flies back in your face. There's your warning.
I love him so much!!! I keep praying for him & all others, anointed by God. When Lin Wood started speaking more truths, a lot bailed or attacked him. I know he is and was very important in this life time and other life times. He is a real life Hero, and may God protect him in all ways. I'm getting very annoyed @ the wicked playing games. How could you be so bold as to go against God?!!! Pffft!⚡🔥💥