Could blackouts be caused by power companies' resistance to the increasing energy costs? A controlled shutdown to reduce their costs?
"As the day has progressed, amid deteriorating weather forecasts and no let up in demand (despite ERCOT's urgings), our trader contact at a Houston energy firm sums the situation up as eloquently and succinctly as ever: "we've officially hit the 'Holy Fucking Shit Levels' here..."
Energy Trader: We've Officially Hit "Holy S*it Levels" | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
A site where mainstream #news faces #CitizenJournalists and trending internet #Theories... Will the narrative hold up to the citizens view?
"Wholesale power for delivery Sunday was trading at anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000 a megawatt-hour in some places, triple the records set in some places Saturday and a staggering 2,672% increase from Friday at Texas’s West hub. Average spot power prices were just shy of $1,000 per megawatt hour during peak hours Sunday morning, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. As one Houston energy trader so eloquently explained, Texas electricity customers are about to get "lubelessly pounded" as prices explode"