Gene Decode, US Navy Decoder, Submarine Force
“US Space Force is soft disclosure 4 Secret Space Program
High profile arrests that gave INTEL 4 better living cond
in prison on Moon w/transparent aluminum walls
Remaining cabal trying to escape on cloak ships
trying to run Earth blockade—can’t
Shaking/earthquakes over OR NEV MONT CO WY
are cabal ships taken out airborne by satellites
Alliance in total control of Secret Space Ps
As Earth’s energy rises from 3D to 5D+
memories return cuz higher light restores 64 genetic strands
On this Timeline everything set for March”
Wow, we really do have cloaked ships all this time.
This seems so crazy for me ( I am not rejecting) because i don't have a reference point to base this on so i can grasp it. So for now my mind has this info on limbo until i can mentally sort it out.

👍 An open mind will get you EVERYWHERE! 💓

I agree, I have a rule to not accept or deny things because if proven true or false can be dangerous if i'm wrong. Instead i put them on pause until more experiencing data can give me the confidence to go either way.
There is one thing i am sure of, primitive men can't design and build pyramids.
Biblically speaking if fallen angels taught men then we might be as advanced then as we are now. I would think semi omnipotent beings would know a lot about science and biology. I just didn't know we caught back up to the past.