Woman pulls apart a Covid test and finds out its full of nano particles.
This is what they stick into our brains when they do the nasal cavity test. They’re sticking metal nano particles into our brains. Share this widely please! Don’t let your loved ones get this test. They’ve been created to destroy our bodies and minds. This is no “test”. It’s a bio weapon!!!
I know people who were diagnosed with Morgellons & I've seen photos of Morgellons 'skin eruptions'. Morgellons victims suffer terribly & are quite disabled. There may be a cure, however, not when doctors deny its existence.
Do Doctor's Have the Delusions & Not the Patients?
"She walked into the office with a small limp & obvious pain. She had marked rashes on her shins, forearms & the top of her head. The rashes had many shapes, some were nodular, some weeping clear fluid & others had blood clots on the top of them. She had about 50 lesions on her skin covering about 20% of her body."