@barronjohn1946 at Twitter. The gematria of those tweets and phrases within are always revealing. Very strangely, the deeper you go, the more personal it gets.

🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
Handsome man. I won't be surprised if they're related.

🎶 💃🔥 Almighty Counselor Father God guides. Word, Ride Rivers, Phil 4:6

GenXr, Cold War soldier, Germany 86-89. Spent 20 yrs selling my soul to White collar. Now live in the far reaches of the N. Maine woods.
Gematria genuinly freaks me out at times. no lie.
run this.. "watch the water"..
you'll find a few responses that match up in english G as well.. Not good responses either..

🎶 💃🔥 Almighty Counselor Father God guides. Word, Ride Rivers, Phil 4:6
yin n yang strong