Woman pulls apart a Covid test and finds out its full of nano particles.
This is what they stick into our brains when they do the nasal cavity test. They’re sticking metal nano particles into our brains. Share this widely please! Don’t let your loved ones get this test. They’ve been created to destroy our bodies and minds. This is no “test”. It’s a bio weapon!!!
OMG. I sent it to friends.
I can't believe this. I'm shocked.
They gave my mom tests each day she was in the hospital with pneumonia. She did recover and she was always negative.
Im so worried. Lymes has the long strings. After my sister was diagnosed with Lymes she was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer two years later. During the pet scan they also found thyroid cancer. Two separate cancers. Not breast cancer that moved into the thyroid. It was thyroid cancer too. She lived fighting on chemo radiation for 3 years. It was a nightmare. I miss my baby sister.