Freedom isn't free. Potus signed up for 2 impeachments. He took slings and arrows for 4 years. A good reminder when we get weary and feel like complaining. This isn't an ordinary 4 year election. This is about the good vs evil and freedom vs tyranny. Trump is working hard right now behind the scenes. He hasn't forgotten you.
how can anyone complain at this point? you're either with us or against....no second guessing. he never let us down before so why would he now? just pick up the most known book that has basic instructions... lol read .... we were told about everything up to this point. NO SURRENDER NO RETREAT...there is no halfway. GOD WINS ... never tired of winning. God Bless President Trump, his family, and every patriot on the same end game. we have more than we know... it only ends ONE way.