Freedom isn't free. Potus signed up for 2 impeachments. He took slings and arrows for 4 years. A good reminder when we get weary and feel like complaining. This isn't an ordinary 4 year election. This is about the good vs evil and freedom vs tyranny. Trump is working hard right now behind the scenes. He hasn't forgotten you.
wow, when i woke up after the shur down, i had a dream of a light so bright an eventually spoke to this light an i woke up saying confirmed its comfirmation, an feeling like we werent forgotten, that there was hope, but i still hadnt put connextions of president till later an when i did i could connect that somehow the word confirmation an waking up crying of joy meant so much more then i would ever know, as i dig an search i am still uncovering just how God is moving through His vessels to make sure we know we arent forgotten! thank you for all you do!!