stop the fear porn. it takes thw same amount of daith to believe for healing of covid as it soes for healing if the vaxcine is bad. The Father works all things together dor good, you cannot fail! EVER!
It's not a vaccine, it changes your DNA using a never before tested technique on humans. The aversions I hold are justified. I am offended that you classify this as porn or imply that my intent is to propagate undue warnings.
If you look at the amount of people that developped side effects, it's in the few percentages when typically, it should be fractions of fractions. This is not acceptable.
Not to mention the eugenic side to this, changing the DNA of humans en masse can actually put the race in peril. And I'm skipping the "logic" behind this which is absurd.
If you are referring to the Moderna or Pfizer then they do NOT change your DNA. mRNA is simply a vehicle to get the recipe into the cell and it is not new. It is frequntly used to seliver immune therapy medication to cancer patients. mRNA m=messenger is coded with a recipe for our cell to make a spike protein (just the spike protein not the virus) that is similar enough to activate our immune system if/when the corona virus enters the body. My apologies for using the wors porn but you need to understand the science and stop making people afraid. Show me your scientific publications i can!
Two words: reverse transcriptase
What happens if an individual is already subjected to retroviruses such as HIV and Hepatitis B, why where the HIV subject results not issued? Can this happen accidentally, of course.
Look up CRISPR-LNP and Wuhan's nano-cargos. See French scientists who where working on tech similar to CRISPR-LNP to target brain cancer cells switched over to a very different type of project to say the least.
The where rhetorical questions, no need to respond.
Bask in your knowledge and cultivate ignorance all you want, not my problem.