Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.
Can you believe we are iced in until end of this week, roads iced and closed, been here over 20years and have seen nothing like this. In Central TX north of Austin south of Temple.

Thats a fact right there. I am in south central Texas. This crap can go back north where it belongs. lol.

Just a Texas Gal who LOVES God, My Family, Our Beloved Republic, The Constitution, and Our Military. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🗽🇺🇸🇺🇸 #GodWins #TBIYTC
She's not fibbin'!...I like Tajín, myself. Lol

Believer. Texan. Mom. Patriot. Eyes opened more every day. Pray-er.

I support Donald Trump and General Flynn. I love my country, In love with my husband, and saved by the Lord Jesus Christ!
Absolute truth! This weather is awful!

Amen! Don't you know it!