Retired Pediatric RN and farm wife. Treasure my family, God & country! Fight for Justice, Truth & Freedom always! I Am That I Am.🌹

Just my personal issues with the Baha’i Faith, it claims to be the faith/religion to unite all?? How can this be when we all have our own belefs and a lot of us do not follow religion and go within? It came from Islam, but they claim they are not Islamic. Hard to find any info on the Faith except through their own books and websites. 🤔🤔 Main Center is Haifa, Isreal and in the US it’s in Willamette, IL. I had a channeling done with Archangel Michael and asked about these two prophets and they were not recognized as sent by God. No where do I find much info on them except their own writings. I personally do not believe in the future we will be led by any faith/religion, we will all be sovereign and free and each on our own paths of spirituality and each progressing as we elected to progress, none better than the rest, just all moving toward our own ascensions. Just my opinion! 🙏♥️🙏♥️

It is said that God is within us. If that is so, we have the means to follow our own spiritual path.

I have never been attached to a religion of any sort. I see it as a form of brainwashing, I prefer to follow my inner guide.

I don't believe we are all sinners as men/women of the cloth would have us believe, I am affronted by that suggestion. To believe that suggests we do not know ourselves. I have always had a strong sense of self, nobody is going to change that.

As I have travelled through the path of life, spirits have shown me there is no end to the spiritual self. I guess I was ready for that, my earthly development is in awe of the nature that surrounds me. Instead of fearing what is to come, I eagerly await the next chapter. Nothing can touch my soul.

Just went to FB, this came up!
Interesting comments, strong viewpoints.

In response Stevie King to her Publication

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Retired Pediatric RN and farm wife. Treasure my family, God & country! Fight for Justice, Truth & Freedom always! I Am That I Am.🌹

In response Freedom Fighter to her Publication

Great thoughts, and I connect with so much ofcwhat you say! 👍♥️♥️👍