The biggest failure in the history of American politics would be the failure of this administration to arrest, convict and imprison a large population of politicians and bureaucrats responsible for the treasonous crimes and murders committed over the past 5-6 decades and the money stolen from the taxpayer. Nothing else will matter if that is left undone. There must be accountability at the highest levels or it never ends.

passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator
thy will or has already been done.. there will be a good ending..thankful

Deplorable Patriot and Follower of Yeshua Hamashiach. The Lion of Judah. Equal opportunity offender. I don't worship any party or person.
It must be public. Hearsay doesn't count. No more "it will happen," IT MUST HAPPEN and there can be no doubts

Proud American Patriot ,Veteran & Trump loyalist 🇺🇸 Will never quit nor get tired of winning! 🇺🇸 Fighting the fight for 40 years! 🇺🇸
Let's throw in the 2020 election for shites & giggles