Lover of God, my husband & children, parents & siblings! Writer; musician-composer, Family Counselor; Patriot, Thinker who connects dots
My husband and I were horrified to watch the DEMS sit on their worthless behinds WITHOUT applauding when so many wonderful achievements and aspirations were mentioned during the President's speech!
The President's speech has approval ratings in the 70's from multiple major news sources. And from experience we know if they claim 70's they are probably 80's and higher!
OUR fellow countrymen are becoming increasingly disillusioned with the DEMS for having no goals for the country, but only for themselves-- grafting money from worthless ideologies and using USAID to become personally rich!
When DEMS REFUSED to stand with compassion for the child who survived cancer, I thought of what my great aunt, who used to say; “They have one foot in HELL, and the other one on a banana peel!”
I felt the same. So don’t applaud the policies you don’t agree with. But when we said we want to help the American people and not one of them responded that tells me all I need to know and already did. You’re not there for me you’re there for you. All of those guest that Trump pointed out are people that the Democratic Party would have typically been there to help they have completely changed and why they are losing so bigly.

Lover of God, my husband & children, parents & siblings! Writer; musician-composer, Family Counselor; Patriot, Thinker who connects dots
They are the exact opposite of our President!
He actually has love for his fellow-man! As he said in one of his earliest videos when he rand the 1st time. He had a good life and did not need to participate in what was turning out as a horror show. BUT we know, his sense of honor for the country that made him so successful, needed his help to become great again!
We are very privileged to have him as our President once again, especially now that he knows the ropes--- some of which he might just 'gift' to GITMO!!
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