Two besties making a heart with their fingers. Yeah really sinister spooky stuff.

In response Oʼ Boy WTF to his Publication

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A member here to fight for Trump! Banned from Twitter and YT twice each. 1A/2A PATRIOT Salty Army Savage

In response DAN MARTIN to his Publication

Ya'll will see what ya wanna see just like when Tulsi was using the hand sign used to show support for saving Mauna Kea in Hawaii. No one bothered to research it they just assumed she was illuminati or deep state or Freemason or whatever.
If you folks don't know the context of a photo maybe you should research it first before slandering someone is all I am saying.

Only followers of this user (@Pythia) can see their posts

In response DAN MARTIN to his Publication

Thats a funny looking LOL

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness

In response DAN MARTIN to his Publication

No heart
Only a deep state triangle 😊

passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator

In response arba happihr to her Publication

yes she was AG in fla while epstein was doing trial here (when and where escape me) and he got off with a lot. who allowed that and possibly over rode her decision to take it further? the governor who i dont know who it was? Jeb Bush? that would fall into line. a Dem? that would also fall into line.. we need to see more info before i go sour on her.. just cause she has a good friend ( guys are the ones complaining but guys dont do with their friends like girls do- we hug and love each other as friends should do. the emotional factors.. i guess we let it all play out. i do not think its the right time. HRC has to be arrested to open up the monster in the box. it all has to tie together in my thoughts..

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In response DAN MARTIN to his Publication

But they arent children... are they?

Besties? That relates to being 12 years old... so your 'oh they are just doing yaya"... They would have to be opreteens to fit your bizzarre norm...

It would be fab if adults could adult....

Plus.. she over shoots massively with the head teacher act.... she has an overshoot that is over shootie and it does in fact make her seem a bit 12ish trying to play with the big boys...

ffs... Im fed up of finding out these players are fuckboy fantasists...

But adults need to stop playing at hand sign central... everyone needs to grow up... increasingly they are growing down...