Hey, frogs, just to put something into the back of your minds. We all want the arrests to have happend already, but for whatever reason they haven't started. Why, you might ask? Because the deep state has infiltrated every aspect of our judiciary, justice department and investigative services, THAT'S WHY!! How do you think a case could be brought against a criminal whenever there is someone watching from behind to make sure the investigation doesn't gain traction? Kash hasn't been in office a week yet and we are expecting several frog marches already. It won't happen until all the deep staters are picked out of the ranks of the FBI. That is why Kash is sending all agents out into the field, to get the bad agents out of DC. Pam Bondi is having the same problem with the department of Justice. She has prosecutors who have allegiance to the deep state and judges who carry their water. How can you get convictions when the deck is stacked against the good guys? You cannot, thus a cleansing i

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Retired Chief Petty Officer

In response Spar Hawk to his Publication

That is what happened with Killary and Comey. Crooks investigating crooks.

In response Spar Hawk to his Publication

Bingo! Now is the time to get your house in order, keep your powder dry and get ready for the biggest change since the last reset.
If your karma's right, and we know, don't we? It's coming your way. And that's the fact, Jack.