I follow back all Patriots. Expose the truth! Question everything. I trust God and God's plan. #JesusIsMySavior
SuperBowl 47 with the Sandy Hook Choir in 2013. Many of the "victims" who supposedly died were singing in the choir.
They put everything right in our face. These people are sick.

Proud to be an American. Unwilling to give up my unalienable rights to the cancel culture. I support Trump's legacy and NO NEW WARS.
Sandy Hook -- I watched it in real time being stuck in someone else's home while it was going on. I then read the police report and I followed it, angry that a dirtbag publication like the New Yorker kept feeding the narrative and building an orchestrated event that was a total fabrication. The killer was all of 112 pounds as was supposed to have gone in to that school strapped with ammo that would have been difficult for a 200 lb. man.
Just like the Capital False Flag.

Proud to be an American. Unwilling to give up my unalienable rights to the cancel culture. I support Trump's legacy and NO NEW WARS.
New profession with a great future.. Lots of work. No experience necessary. YOU CAN BECOME A CRISIS ACTOR. Just show up and do what you're told.