“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14

"After her daughter was attacked in class, a mother was stunned by Mance Park Middle School’s initial response, which dismissed the assault and insisted her daughter was “perfectly fine.”

Feb 2025

In response Just Mee to his Publication

The education system is so twisted and sick. They only know how to cover up and obfuscate. Why do they protect the aggressor? That in itself should be a crime.

Laws and policies are changing for the better, imo. Teachers and others who are responsible for reporting incidents had better get engaged or find a job that appeals to their comfort zone.
Most people would be engaged even when an incident does not involve their own child, but the INJUSTICE SYSTEM, leadership in organizations,
corporations, and schools, protects the abusers for the most part. This sabotaging of concerned citizens desire to be engaged and police their communities is severely sabotaged by the worthless maggots in the INJUSTICE SYSTEM.
Hoping to see dramatic changes going forward.

In response Telesia Birdwell to her Publication

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In response Just Mee to his Publication

Yes, things have to improve.