What was fresh is now rotten Long since gone but never forgotten
DMSO, ivermectin and black seed oil cure all that shit while more and more people see it happening
I got rid of a full blown cold in hours- not days when I used to get bronchitis for WEEKS

I was here early in 2021, then got "spooked". I am back because I want to live. I read a lot. I observe. I listen. I have faith in us.
Did you say black seed oil? I know nothing about it but perhaps the guy DJT appointed who has experience with seed oils might be interested as part of the MAHA plan.

I believe autism, down syndrome, homosexuality, boys wanting to be girls, girls wanting to be boys ect, ect, are all tied to medical injury, either pre or post natal medication.

And programming in brain washing centers they call schools. Yep.

“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14
As we know, many suspicious deaths over the years.

And those lizzerds admitted it pre net.

We share very few sentiments with our government.
Remember when MSNBC suddenly became offended at Don Imus' racist comments, and put on the full-court press of smear campaigns?
Yeah, MSNBC didn't give a shit about the Rutgers women's basketball team or anyone "hurt" by his dumb comment(s). It was because he (and his wife) had been discussing, nearly daily, mercury and thimerosal autism effects in vaccines.
Can't bite the big corporate hand that feeds you (and builds your cowboy town) if it means profits are going to be affected.