anons... this is horrifying...
14 hours ago
3 min read
This post is very difficult for me to write. It took me some time to confirm the happenings in DC. But it was confirmed. I was sent pictures of some of the tunnels and children in those tunnels. I cannot show those pics. It is too horrific. I am sorry I looked at them.
Very touristic tunnel, nicely lit, nice floor, information boards at the wall.

Here, the tunnel-picture exists here, yet another fake:

When searching for "moose jaw tunnels" one can find this picture.

I'm a Shamanic Practitioner and work through Journeys and Dreams. I am an Active Journey Artist and Dream facilitator.
My heart cries out for all of the victims. May Light surround them. I have had dreams for many years of places that I thought were different realms (I'm a shamanic practiitoner). With these descriptions, the horrors that I saw were real - I was tapping into this. I live in Ohio and just drove over the capital and feel that all the construction is due to tunnels - some that lead to Wexner town.

Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Patriot #GodWins #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren #NCSWIC
🙏💔🙏 😢

#WWG1WGA #TheGreatAwakening #SaveOurChildrenWorldwide #GodWins #Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming #Qanon
I have heard some of this but do not trust the web page this information was obtained from. Dubious at best. Would love to have confirmation from a legitimate site.

@rbentsen I hear you and I think that all the time. but these days, what is a legitimate site? 🤔

My name is Tone . Patriot. Knots a bit with the language -but clearly we communicate when there is A ❤️💯%
Real Chief Police,
Thank you for let us all know. Yes very difficult to take this..I FEEL PAIN AND SORROW.
+ but WE must know all of it . We must stay strong TOGETHER.
to heal the World. NEVER NEVER FORGET. LOVE U ALL .