Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D
Do you remember when Harry Potter came out?
I liked the movie...UNTIL I was told the author "CHANNELED" and identified herself as a "WITCH"... Those movies have a STRONG drawl for me... but I stay away KNOWING WHAT I KNOW.
It has been a decision by decision walk...
WHO DO I SEEK..who do I belong to.
With light comes more light...we are warned what we have if not used will be taken away.
My mother once told me "I would become like her.."
I told her, "NO I WILL NOT."
Once, drinking her Whisky she told me..
"The difference between her and I is, when I hear God's voice I LISTEN. She then said, when she hears his voice she does what she wants to do."
I am rebellious too,,,but in time God has melted my heart with His love. Certainly NOT because I am perfect.
My sister once said to her twin about me, "How can she have a problem and then suddenly it is GONE." The FAITH walk is not perfect but it is my desire. She was seeing FAITH in action.
Taking more 'silent' time. No sound other than the furnace running or Nature. Some call it meditation 😆
Point is that I thought today, at 69, that I've NEVER heard a voice in my life. EVERY conversation I've had w/Him, and there have been more than we can count, have been decidedly one-sided. Significant? Who the fuck knows. We are sooo lucky and Blessed to see this unfold before us.
Am confident that I'll meet and sit w/Jesus. It's then that we'll clear up this name confusion. Best friends do shit like that...NCSWIC👆
Hi Barry...
I have heard a voice..that seemed audible to me..
I was in my mom's kitchen and said "I just want to sing my songs about you."
And I hear a ver dominate though (I thought it was a Voice!)
It said "How can you sing your songs about me if you don't even know me?"
I looked up looked to see if anyone was in the living room dinning room basement out back...NOONE! I had been playing with a decision weather to leave for Bible school. Straight Bible 5 hours a day..all stright from scripture not theory/doctrine. Line by line.
Well NOONE was home but me...I left for Bible school the next day.
Barry do you ask?
I ask Lord make it perfectly clear so I CANNOT Miss it...you Lord!
Also I pray "When the Holy Spirit moves too and fro looking for someone willing Lord let me be WILLING!...and let me be paying attention!"
A great deal of the time I get a red flag warning.. or just a do it. I also ask Him to confirm it's Him. He has done that at times but not all th
You misread me, I'm not whining at all, it was just a realization that clicked. He has taken care of me as long as I can recall. When I quit drinking 17yrs ago He became my go to guy. We talked a lot. Since then, we've grown closer than ever dreamed possible.
When the time comes, and He wants me to hear Him...
I did NOT hear you whining...
I love it when testimonies are shared..
He says come let us reason together....my choice to follow the Lord has come at the cost of family.
So often like you He is all I have.
But you get like those you hang with..
I want to hang with Him!!!
Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
Kitty! 💛 that song!
I know I will bow before Him....I cry when I think of it!
Being pulled from the fire so many times when Injured as a passenger in a car..or the many times He kept me alive with my mom tryed to kill me...
Once when I woke with a concussion, 2 black eyes (NO White at all..just red from broken blood vessels where white should be.) bruised brain, broken nose, and in shock...someone was in my face I didn't know. But didn't know myself .. but recall saying "I am still here God isn't through with me yet!"
I have realized with time hardship is a BLESSING.
When hard pressed your stuff comes out...like impurities in gold. Burning off the dross..the impurities..so to resemble who I belong to.
I am so humbled by His love.
When I had noone to comfort me..He sent a doe and her fawn as I sat crying..the doe startled me..I am so blessed God cared to send sometimes Dragon Flies, Praying Mantis', Katydids Turtles ..
God knows.
Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
Thank you Kitty.
My prayer over the years has been.."Lord break me and mold me and make me what YOU want me to be."
The refining is so painful...but yields the best result...to give Him the crowns one day when I am before Him.
I often feel as if I am in His throne room..it began when worshiping. My whole body trembles, I cry and feel in awe of a Holy God.
I am so aware of how blessed I am yet so imperfect. I have a Pastor friend who is constantly trying to convince me I am what seems to me to say I DESERVE forgiveness.
To me it is NOT deserved but given freely...and as Christ saw His being God nothing to be grasped after.... I just don't find God something to be taken for granted.
Paul said "Pray that you be found worthy to be called." Seems to me "Doctrine" and opinions matter little but His Word matters and will be accomplished ..every title..and it will NOT return without accomplishing what it is sent to do.
Thank you Kitty!💛
passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator
you are an amazing powerful woman to deal with such a life. i am s sorry. was in tears reading it.. thank you for sharing. and your healing? powerful words.. i am in awe of you.. in your strength and perseverance to change your world.. and you did it.. i am honored to know you as a soul sister...
I hear of people using their backgrounds as an excuse to do evil...that has NOTHING to do with it.
It comes down to choice.
I never married...was concerned about what I was healing from being passed on. I have seen shadows rise and keep asking to be transformed into the likeness of Christ.
I have noticed since my 20s that my very presence irritates even believers. Psalms says when you follow after the Lord you will shine. I believe that because God says so...not so much perceived by sight but somehow perceived..."The secret is Christ in you the hope of glory." Not choosing God makes you an available tool the enemy can use, and he does.
I have seen people act out in strange ways..they let down their guard and you see what they often hide like your invisible...it's like their inner child appears. In seeing with a pure heart it can be bruising & also insightful conversations. I so often hear I have NEVER told anyone before..God is at work!
passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator
your words are beautiful. and difficult. thank you for feeling safe enough to share.. no judgement ever. you went thru too much, a beautiful spirit. continue your journey,,
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Made me cry!
it was amazing. yes i teared up.. amazing isnt even a good enough word.. must get his book