With the recent news, I pray that people start paying attention to those who are sharing accurate information with the potential to impact lives. This is not meant to brag, but I’ve had numerous discussions with Sarah Adams, Scott Mann, and Legend on the Shawn Ryan Show to help inform the American public—and people abroad—about the growing threat of an enemy that is not being taken seriously. It’s heartbreaking that this information is becoming more real with each passing day. Please, if you would, kindly share this with those around you.
Episodes of the Shawn Ryan Show to pay attention to are:

From tropical waters to desert sands to temperate farmland. Imperfect child of God. #MAGA, #Savethechildren, WWG1WGA, Trump 19th POTUS.
My brother, this share is of huge importance. The interview you included and the information presented by the woman is spot on correct.
Many non Hispanics have been imbedded in the movement across the southern border. NM hosted active training camps and after being exposed were released by judges. The association of narco-terrorists between cartel and Islamic elements is well beyond nation-state borders.
It has been going on for years. The war on drugs provided the cartel top training and weapons as we worked and trained with our "Mexican counterparts".

absolutely 100% spot on correct and then don't forget about Operation "FAST AND FURIOUS" under obama who was supplying the weapons

From tropical waters to desert sands to temperate farmland. Imperfect child of God. #MAGA, #Savethechildren, WWG1WGA, Trump 19th POTUS.
Exactly. F&F was just a piece, or better, an exposed incident, that then had to be given a Op Name and then terminated, to avert eyes from larger comprehensive program/s.

yeah it always felt like the "Cover-up" just by how, when and what was released in the F&F instance
Sure. They even made a little docudrama mini series over the evil pervert Epstein and then it was "over" any every one could move on to other dramas. Like it was case closed move on nothing more to see.