1st QtheGathering was 2023! Supporter of Q& Q+,Vets, Family& Soul Tribe Vibes! Gratitude & Love for God, Jesus, Mother Mary

One time we were leaving a place and usually our dogs are more than ready to load up. It took 5 to 10 minutes for the last one to show up. We were 30 minutes from the house and there had been a car wreck not a minute or two before we got there. Divine Protection!!
Yes, this happens to me as well. One time was when I was in FL. I couldn't find my keys for about 30 minutes, I was supposed to be down in Sun City Center, and my keys were not where I last put them. finally I sat down and calmed down and guess what. The keys ewre exactly where I put them. And I had avoided a fatality car death on the way. I was certain it was meant for me. This was many years ago.But since then, I usually will just pause and when I feel better, proceed, now. I listen to my intuition more these days! But at the time I was like telling the little people to put the keys back I had to leave. And sure enough, they did!!! Intuition, little people of mischief, I believe in both, but regardless I listen better now! 😎