WHY isn't Big Pharma, Fauci & all his cohorts ARRESTED?
WHY is the Cabal Allowed to Launch Another MRNA Jab?
I cant deal with this crap anymore

Christian blogsite that examines all things from a biblical perspective https://contendersedge.blogspot.com/
Seems the X post to which you posted a link has been deleted.

We share very few sentiments with our government.
I'll start asking those questions 3 weeks from now if necessary. Hopefully not. And hopefully the country isn't destroyed by then.

Author, Audio Book Narrator, Former Liberal. Patriot.
For the same reason the Epstein and Diddy lists haven't been released, and we haven't seen military trials, and executions for treason. We've been waiting 8 years (and more) for justice. We WILL see it, but the stage had to be set. We're closer than ever. I want FIREWORKS. Hopefully they'll start this year. It will take years to fix this country, but the last 8 years have NOT been idle. And YES, most of it has gone on behind the scenes. Frustrating for the public, but the corruption was MASSIVE, WORLDWIDE. Had to be done WISELY so as not to spur chaos and death.

PATRIOTS help fight fake news... PLEASE SEND & SHARE MEMEs HERE!!!

I do not understand it either, it makes me sick.

Wait for the push back